The ultrasonic cavitation-aided dispersion of peat to the given nano-size at a high static pressure makes it possible to produce a product having valuable consumer properties. In determining the fractional and group composition of the peat’s organic substance that underwent dispersion and the original sample by the N.N. Bambalov and T.Ya. Belenkaya method it was shown that the dispersion reduces the bitumoid content by 2,1 times, and that of hardly hydrolysable (cellulose) and non-hydrolysable (lignin) substances by 2,0 and 1,3 times. At the same time, this increases the content of humic acids extracted by 0,1 M alkali solution (by 1,6 times) and by 0,025 M solution of sodium pyrophosphate (by 5,9 times), building up the mass fraction of the total water-soluble and easily hydrolysable substances (by 1,4 times) relative to the original peat.
Also observed is the improvement of sorption capabilities in relation to copper ions (II). For peat samples with a different degree of dispersion the maximum degree of copper ions (II) sorption is reached at pH equal to 4.6 and is maintained practically without changes up to 7,2. The maximum sorption on the original peat takes place in the interval of pH 6,2 to 6,4. The sorption isotherms are of the L types. As a result of the ultrasonic cavitation-aided treatment the peat sorption capacity increases by 2,1 times. The better sorption capability is possessed by the peat sample which underwent treatment for 10 min (COE=1,65 mmol/g).
The study of kinetic dependencies showed that the process of sorption on the studied sorbents proceeds rather fast and practically ends in 7 min. The ultrasonic cavitation-aided dispersion of peat increases the sorption speed constant.
It has been shown that it is possible to use the dispersed peat as a sorbent for after-purification of sewage from copper ions (II) of galvanic productions which had come though the dolomite filter. It has been established that the peat which underwent ultrasonic cavitation-aided treatment for 10 min is characterized by a higher degree of extraction. The after-sorption copper content is reduced by 9,49 times, the residual concentration being 0,01–0,03 mg/dm3.
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