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The article focuses on generalized trust, defining positive attitude towards others and the potential to cooperate even with unknown people, its use as a possible indicator of social safety and openness, the state of interpersonal and inter-group relations in Russian society. Drawing on the results of sociological surveys in six border regions (n = 2400), the authors fulfill a detailed comparative analysis of the three various indicators of trust (trust towards people as a whole, trust towards social environment, readiness to help others), reveal factors, explaining differences in levels of trust tailored to regional specific, attempt to build an integral index and describe general models of trust. Significant associations between separate indicators of trust were found in the analysis, they concern level of education, type of settlement, social and material position, in some regions the level of trust was related to nationality and religiousness. The results witness about heterogenous distribution of trust in different social groups and strata in border territories.
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