About Russia and the russians: some recources of domestic internet

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V. K. Malkova
Email: veramalk@mail.ru


Preserving and strengthening national unity, the formation of a unified Russian nation and Russian civic identity is one of the most urgent tasks of nation-building of the current multiethnic and multi-confessional Russia. Our paper, based on the analysis of the information of Russian-language Internet search engine Yandex, is devoted to considering the requests of Internet users about Russia and about some of the spiritual values that unite Russians — about the Constitution of the Russian Federation, about its anthem, about patriotism and about the unity and integrity of the country itself. Emphasizing the relatively high interest of Internet users from different Russian republics to their country and its "spiritual bonds" and noting their natural regional variability, the author attempts to find out and understand the diversity of public attention to these values. The article shows the possibilities of using the Internet not only as a source of information for users, but also as an important indicator of real local audience behavior, as a resource for studying socio-political processes in different Russian regions. The author also emphasizes the question of clarifying and concretizing the concepts associated with strengthening the unity of the country, the need for their deeper scientific understanding and their popularization in the public consciousness.


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How to Cite
Malkova, V. K. (2021). About Russia and the russians: some recources of domestic internet. NATIONS AND RELIGIONS OF EURASIA, 26(4), 56-69. https://doi.org/10.14258/nreur(2021)4-05
Author Biography

V. K. Malkova, Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology RAS, Moscow

doctor of historical sciences, main researcher of the Center of Ethnopolitical Studies of Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology RAS


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