The image of the representative of early asceticism on «Qissa-i ibrahim ibn Adham»

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G. M. Molotova Email:


The article examines the life activity of Ibrahim ibn Adham, one of the representatives of early Sufism. Data about the second half of his life was included in "Tadhkiratu-l-awliya' " by Farid ad-din 'Attar Nishapuri, "Nasa'im al-mahabbat min shama'im al-futuvvat" by Nizam ad-din "Ali Shir Nava'i, "Qissa-i Ibrahim ibn Adham". A translation into the Uyghur language of the work of "Tadhkiratu-l-awliya' " in the 16th century was revealed. In contrast with "Tadhkira", the narrative also covers the first half of Ibrahim ibn Adham's life. The author of this article chose a more complete list of the manuscript of "Qissa-i Ibrahim ibn Adham". On the basis from these sources, reveal the lifestyle of Ibrahim ibn Adham as a representative of early asceticism. Lithographic publications carried out in the 19th — early 20th centuries were also involved in the study process. It was established that Ibrahim ibn Adham adhered to all three types of zuhd (abstinence), to which Sufis followed. He led an isolate lifestyle from society, devoting himself entirely to serving the Creator. His life became an example for his followers. Ibrahim ibn Adham served as a prototype for the creation of a pious Sufi. In the Muslim world, he was revered as a Saint. Narratives were created about him. The number of versions and lists of the manuscript of "Qissa" are an indicator of his popularity.


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How to Cite
Molotova, G. M. (2022). The image of the representative of early asceticism on «Qissa-i ibrahim ibn Adham». NATIONS AND RELIGIONS OF EURASIA, 27(1), 131-140.
Author Biography

G. M. Molotova, Institute of Oriental Studies named after R. B. Sulelmenov, Almaty

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Literary and Linguistics of the Center for Uyghur Studies of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty


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