Makhtylsky hill — an ancient sanctuary on the Sosva river

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Yu. B. Sericov Email:


Makhtylsky hill on the Sosva River belongs to the type of unusual cultic site — artificially filled hills. The formation of the hill is associated with the sacrifice of fragments of vessels, whole and broken stone products. Perhaps, in this way, the principle was implemented — "a part instead of a whole". After the completion of the ceremony, the sacrificial complex was covered with earth. The use of this place of cult for several millennia has led to the elevation of the sacrificial site to 3 m. The collection of finds consists of 1857 items. The ceramic complex is represented by materials of all eras from the Neolithic to the Middle Ages, among which Neolithic — Eneolithic ceramics predominate. Arrowheads, scrapers, nucleuses, knife-shaped plates, polished adzes and knives, abrasives are present in the collection of stone products of these eras. Among the objects of a non-utilitarian nature, it should be noted the split pommel of a mace, pendants and a fragment of a vessel corolla with a zoomorphic image. The local population made extensive use of the local raw material base, as evidenced by the presence of primary crust on a third of stone products. 11 types of mineral raw materials were used for the manufacture of stone tools.


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How to Cite
Sericov, Y. B. (2022). Makhtylsky hill — an ancient sanctuary on the Sosva river. NATIONS AND RELIGIONS OF EURASIA, 27(3), 07-21.
Author Biography

Yu. B. Sericov, Russian State Professional and Pedagogical University (a branch)

doctor of historical Sciences, Professor, Leading Researcher at the Archaeological Laboratory of the Nizhny Tagil State Social and Pedagogical Institute (a branch of the Russian State Professional and Pedagogical University), Nizhny Tagil (Russia)


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