About rare types of bits and cheek-pieces of the 11th-12th centuries from Volga Bulgaria (to the question of ethno-cultural contacts)

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K. A. Rudenko Email: murziha@mail.ru


The article deals with rare types of medieval iron bits and cheek-pieces. They were found at the archaeological sites of the Volga Bulgaria of pre-Mongol times. Despite the fact that the material culture of the Volga Bulgaria has been studied for more than 100 years, the items of horse equipment have not been studied enough. The classification of the bits was made by F. Sh. Khuzin based on materials from the Bilyar hillfort and E. P. Kazakov based on finds in settlements located in the lower reaches of the Kama. However, we are considering bits that have no absolute analogues, both among the antiquities of the Volga Bulgaria, including those that were published, and neighboring territories. A comparative analysis showed that this type of bit is not found in the Bulgar burial grounds of the 8th- 10th centuries, as well as in the settlements of the 13th-14th centuries. Therefore, the date of their manufacture and use can be determined between the 11th and 12th centuries. The presence of characteristic details of decor suggests that the upper limit of their existence is the second half of the 11th century. The closest analogies to the considered artifacts are found in Southern Siberia. Details from horse headbands, which could have such bits, have also been studied. The author claims that the Bulgars in the 11th-12th centuries used two types of headband — with round disks with three holes as belt distributors and rings with three clips in the same capacity. As in the case of bits, the closest analogies to them are found in the materials of Southern Siberia.


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How to Cite
Rudenko, K. A. (2022). About rare types of bits and cheek-pieces of the 11th-12th centuries from Volga Bulgaria (to the question of ethno-cultural contacts). NATIONS AND RELIGIONS OF EURASIA, 27(4), 07-22. https://doi.org/10.14258/nreur(2022)4-01
Author Biography

K. A. Rudenko, Kazan State Institute of Culture

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor; Kazan State Institute of Culture, Kazan (Russia)


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