Fortresses of the Turkmen Tekke Tribe in the 18th-19th centuries

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The focus of this study is the Teke fortresses from the 18th-19th centuries in Turkmenistan, which have not been extensively studied in Turkmen science. Previous work on this topic has been limited to technical descriptions of historical objects by archaeologists. The researchers attempt to fill this gap, using materials from the latest archaeological research and historical sources to present a general picture of this issue and its significance to the Teke tribe. An integrated approach, including analysis and selection of documents and comparison of archaeological, source study, and ethnographic material, is used as the methodological approach.

The study reveals structural changes in the layout of Teke bastions, where the fortresses in the Akhal region have citadels surrounded by an inner wall, while this feature is not prominent in the Merv region. The names of the fortifications are divided into different groups, with some named after geographical toponyms, others after Teke clans and tribes living in them, and many named after their owners, specifically the heads of clans and tribes, which becomes a feature of this period.

Overall, this study provides valuable insights into the Teke fortresses from the 18th-19th centuries, shedding light on their structural changes and naming conventions. The integrated approach used in this research, which combines various sources and methods, offers a comprehensive and informative perspective on this topic.


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How to Cite
Atdaev, S. J. (2023). Fortresses of the Turkmen Tekke Tribe in the 18th-19th centuries. NATIONS AND RELIGIONS OF EURASIA, 28(1), 74-92.
Author Biography

S. J. Atdaev, Institute of History and Archeology of AST

Candidate of Historical Sciences, docent, leading researcher of the sector of ethnography of the Institute of history and archeology of TAS, Ashgabat


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