Unusual medieval burial of individuals from Syunik province (Angekhakot, Armenia)

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A. Yu. Khudaverdyan Email: akhudaverdyan@mail.ru
T. A. Aleksanyan Email: tigranalexanyan@yandex.ru
D. G. Mirijanyan Email: dianamirijanyan@rambler.ru


Anthropological materials from 9 individuals of the early Medieval culture from Armenia were studied. The study of bone remains was carried out comprehensively in the context of integrative anthropology, which is the union of its two sections, physical anthropology and paleopathology. Macroscopic, X-ray and histological research methods were used to recognize and describe pathological conditions of the bones. The individuals reburied at the Surb Vardan are bearers of the traditions of artificial cranial deformation and unintentional deformation of the head. The skeletons have characteristics of the South European type. Osteological analysis allows us to state that individuals are tall and have a strong physique. The study of musculoskeletal relief reveals indicators of mechanical stress associated with riding. Traumatic injuries found in the skeletons that did not cause death could have occurred both during military operations and during «domestic» activities.


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How to Cite
Khudaverdyan, A. Y., Aleksanyan, T. A., & Mirijanyan, D. G. (2023). Unusual medieval burial of individuals from Syunik province (Angekhakot, Armenia). NATIONS AND RELIGIONS OF EURASIA, 28(2), 71-91. https://doi.org/10.14258/nreur(2023)2-03
Author Biographies

A. Yu. Khudaverdyan, Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography NAS

Candidate of historical Sciences, senior researcher of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography NAS of RA, Yerevan (Armenia)

T. A. Aleksanyan, Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography NAS

researcher of the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography NAS of RA, Yerevan (Armenia)

D. G. Mirijanyan, Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography NAS

Candidate of of historical Sciences, Researcher of the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography NAS of RA, Yerevan (Armenia)


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