Organization and regulation by the authorities of migration of the kalmyk population in the Autonomous region of the kalmyk working people in the 1920

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S. S. Belousov Email:


The article is devoted to the study of the state migration policy in the autonomous region of the Kalmyk working people in relation to the Kalmyk population in the 1920s. The choice of time frame is due to significant differences in the state migration of the previous and subsequent periods. In the 1920s, with the help of the organization of migrations, the tasks of internal Soviet policy in Kalmykia were mainly solved, the unification of the Kalmyk people within the framework of a single national administrative-territorial entity and the transfer of the Kalmyks to a sedentary lifestyle.

The article is based mainly on the documents of state and party authorities identified in the National Archive of the Republic of Kalmykia. In the course of the work, historical-genetic and comparative-historical research methods were used. The author examined the impact of hunger on population migration, the use of migration to solve the problems of the state and national Kalmyk population, and the geography of migration flows outside and inside the area that results from the migration policy in Kalmykia.

It was primarily aimed at organizing the resettlement of Kalmyks in the region from other provinces and regions and the settlement of Kalmyks nomads in new stationary settlements in order to solve the issue of sedentarization. The soviet authorities, in implementing the sedentarization policy in Kalmykia, were guided primarily by the ideas of socialist incorporation and modernization of the region. The state has implemented the goals and objectives of the migration policy in a short time, which became possible due to the great financial support from central and local authorities.



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Article Details

How to Cite
Belousov, S. S. (2023). Organization and regulation by the authorities of migration of the kalmyk population in the Autonomous region of the kalmyk working people in the 1920 . NATIONS AND RELIGIONS OF EURASIA, 28(2), 92-103.
Author Biography

S. S. Belousov, Kalmyk scientific center of the Russian academy of sciences

doctor of historical sciences, senior researcher, department of history, Kalmyk scientific center of the Russian academy of sciences, Elista (Russia)


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