Religious symbolic attributes of the Russian north in the system of cultural values of the gizhigin people (XIX — early XX centuries)

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I. Y. Ponkratova Email:
0. P. Fedirko Email:
S. V. Batarshev Email:
G. K. Danilov Email:
I. V. Kazimirov Email:
N. A. Dorofeeva Email:


The article introduces into scientific circulation the data of the analysis of artifacts obtained as a result of the study by the Gizhiginsky archaeological expedition in 2020 of the first city on the territory of the Magadan region — Gizhiginsk. These are two shrine crosses, a statue of the Blessed Virgin, fragments of icon salaries, as well as an icon of the "Vladimirskaya Bogomater" from the funds of the Magadan Regional Museum of Local Lore.

The use of multicomponent and binary brass and silver in the manufacture was determined by studying the composition of the metal alloy of objects from the archaeological collection using nondestructive X-ray fluorescence (XFA) analysis. The use of a galvanic method of applying gold to artifacts has been established.

The crosses are made in an artisanal way. They could be used both in the performance of ritual sacraments and together with the figure of the Blessed Virgin figure to be part of the composition «Calvary with the upcoming». The objects clearly demonstrate the attributes associated with the practice of religious cults on the far outskirts of Russia and confirm the spread of not only Synodal, but also Old Believer Orthodoxy in the territory of Gizhiginsk in the XIX — early XX centuries.

Probably, as a result of the shortage of objects of worship, copying/adapting of religious attributes of other confessional trends to the needs of old believers took place. The peaceful co-existence of representatives of different faiths is assumed on the local territory of the trading city.

In the conditions of atheistic propaganda in the 1920s and 1930-s, objects of religious purpose were preserved by the local population and passed down from generation to generation.

Keywords: North of the Russian Far East, Gizhiginsk, Gizhiginsk Orthodox Church, Old Believers, cross, icon of Vladimir's Mother of God, Holy Theotokos, koruna, missionary activity, X-ray fluorescence analysis


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How to Cite
Ponkratova, I. Y., Fedirko0. P., Batarshev, S. V., Danilov, G. K., Kazimirov, I. V., & Dorofeeva, N. A. (2023). Religious symbolic attributes of the Russian north in the system of cultural values of the gizhigin people (XIX — early XX centuries). NATIONS AND RELIGIONS OF EURASIA, 28(2), 104-123.
Author Biographies

I. Y. Ponkratova, North-Eastern State University

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, leading researcher of the Scientific Department of the Northeastern State University, Magadan (Russia)

0. P. Fedirko, Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography of the Peoples of the Far East FEB RAS

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Leading Researcher of the Department of Socio-Poetic Research at the Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography of the Peoples of the Far East, FEB RAS, Vladivostok (Russia)

S. V. Batarshev, Scientific and Production Center of Historical and Cultural Expertise

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Expert Work Department of the Scientific and Production Center of Historical and Cultural Expertise, Vladivostok (Russia)

G. K. Danilov, Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (the Kunstkamera) of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Junior researcher of laboratory of museum technology at the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography. Peter the Great (Kunstkamera) RAS, St. Petersburg (Russia)

I. V. Kazimirov, Magadan Regional Museum of Local Lore

specialist of the II category of the exposition and exhibition Department of the Magadan Regional Museum of Local Lore, Magadan (Russia)

N. A. Dorofeeva, Scientific and Production Center of Historical and Cultural Expertise

Senior Researcher at the Scientific and Production Center of Historical and Cultural Expertise, Vladivostok (Russia)


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