Cult of the Auliya tau, sacred mountain in the Southern Ural: traditions and innovations (based on the expedition to Kugarchinsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan in 2023)

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A.T. Ahatov Email:
A.I. Tuzbekov Email:


The article examines the historical development of the cult of the Sacred Mountain, drawing on field materials collected by the authors during an archaeo-ethnographic study of Mount Auliya Tau in the Kugarchinsky District of the Republic of Bashkortostan in 2023. Additionally, it incorporates insights from contemporary research focused on mountain worship in the Southern Urals.

The research employs a synergistic approach that blends existing archaeological and ethnographic data with information gathered through netnography on social media platforms. Archaeological and ethnographic methods inform the study of the mountain and its associated cult objects, while systemic, historical, and geoinformation mapping methods are utilized to analyze the formation and evolution of the sacred spaces related to the mountain.

The article explores the transformation of mountain worship — intimately linked to ancestor veneration and influenced by Islam — into the contemporary cult of Auliya Tau. It also highlights the evolving religious beliefs surrounding the mountain's sanctity and significance within today's sociocultural context.

The findings are consistent with existing literature, revealing similar patterns and trends in the formation and development of sacred spaces associated with various mountain peaks. The identified cult sites on Auliya Tau illustrate its role within the Muslim, pilgrimage, and tourist culture of the South Ural region. Furthermore, these sites reflect the integration of new religious movements and psychological practices in the mountain's ritual practices.


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How to Cite
Ahatov, A., & Tuzbekov, A. (2024). Cult of the Auliya tau, sacred mountain in the Southern Ural: traditions and innovations (based on the expedition to Kugarchinsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan in 2023). NATIONS AND RELIGIONS OF EURASIA, 29(3), 186-203.
Author Biographies

A.T. Ahatov, R. G. Kuzeev Institute of Ethnological Studies UFRC RAS

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Senior Researcher of the Department of Archaeological Heritage of the Southern Urals, R. G. Kuzeev Institute of Ethnological Research of Ufa Federal Research Center of RAS, Ufa (Russia)

A.I. Tuzbekov, R. G. Kuzeev Institute of Ethnological Studies UFRC RAS

candidate of historical science, Head of the Department of Archaeological Heritage of the Southern Urals, R. G. Kuzeev Institute of Ethnological Research of Ufa Federal Research Center of RAS, Ufa (Russia)


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