Humanitarian values of early islam in “The history of Tabari”

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The article considers the humanitarian values of Islam based on al-Tabari historical chronicle. “The History of Prophets and Kings’ is a first attempt at compilation of the World History in Muslim historiography. The author of this source was recognized as a great commentator of Quran and a founder of the Islamic historical studies. Muhammad Ibn Jarir al-Tabari firstly had tried to make a successful attempt into Quran verses permutation based in chronological order. Verbal stories, historical material of the sacred text and Prophet’s hadiths were complemented by set of materials of ancient Arabic narrators indicating the chain of narrator’s names. The structural construction of mythological and ancient history in this monument is based on the permanent development of prophecy and the dynamics of the Human being Kingdom on the Earth. The establishment of the Muslim calendar attached to “The History of Tabari” chronicle character, and it is closely associated with the emergence of Islam, as a global world religion. Therefore, the information of the monument’s second part by years of Hijra discloses a process for the personality formation of the Prophet Muhammad and his sacred mission. Description of the Prophet's activities in a short period of time clearly shows that the improvement of the Arab tribe’s living conditions were in the focus of his activities. On the other hand, the author for the comprehensive coverage of the Prophet's biography has used many credible reports of primary sources, most of which were later lost.


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How to Cite
Barotzoda , F. (1). Humanitarian values of early islam in “The history of Tabari”. NATIONS AND RELIGIONS OF EURASIA, 10(1-2), 44-56. Retrieved from
Author Biography

F. Barotzoda , The centre of Islamic studies under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Dushanbe (Tajikistan)

кандидат филологических наук, доцент, директор Центра исламоведения при Президенте Республики Таджикистан


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