Modern muslim community of Ryazan

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Y. V. Geraskin Email:


The article makes an attempt to analyze and comprehend the composition, evolution and current activities of the Muslim community in the Ryazan region in the 1990-2000s. You can find the analysis of internal work in the spheres of education, culture, places of imprisonment, and activities in the field of cross-cultural dialogue. Particular attention is paid to a structure such as Mukhtasibad of Ryazan region, working under the auspices of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims in the European part of Russia. It covers such aspects as missionary work inside the Muslim ummah, projects for the creation of a mosque, the formation of the functional infrastructure of Muslims in Ryazan, as well as the town of Kasimov in the Ryazan region, where a historical enclave of Muslims has formed. It was in Kasimov that the Muslims managed to implement projects of restitution of religious buildings. An attempt is made to compare historical analysis of the culture work of the Muslim community within the framework of the policy of "Jadidism" in Russia in the 19th century. Interethnic relations and conflicts in this sphere are analyzed. The effectiveness of the policy of harmonization of inter-ethnic and inter-confessional relations is assessed, which is carried out by the executive authorities of the Ryazan region.


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How to Cite
Geraskin , Y. V. (1). Modern muslim community of Ryazan. NATIONS AND RELIGIONS OF EURASIA, 12(3-4), 85-91. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Y. V. Geraskin , Ryazan state university, Ryazan (Russia)

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