Distribution of prostanstanism on the territory of Russia and its variety (to the question of the question)

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E. M. Gostyusheva Email: altmpsi@mail.ru


The article examines the main ways of penetration and spread ofProtestantism in the territory of Russia. It is noted that the time of the appearance of the first Protestants in the borders of the country is connected with the appearance of the followers of Martin Luther in the countries of Europe. The author identifies five main sources of formation of Protestant communities: trade and economic ties between Russia and European countries, attraction of specialists of necessary knowledge to the country, expansion of the borders of the empire, migration policy of Catherine the Great, prisoners of war. The emergence of the first representatives of traditional Protestant denominations (lutheran and reformers) in the Kolyvan-Voskresensky (Altai) mountainous district is connected with the economic development of the region: the discovery of copper, silver, and gold deposits in the Altai. Engineering and technical cadres were formed mainly from foreign specialists, mostly from Saxony. At the beginning of XX, the first settlements of Mennonites appeared on the territory of the district. The resettlement of migrant peasants to Siberia was mainly economic in nature, well organized and financed by the "mother" colonies of the central regions of the Russian Empire.


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How to Cite
Gostyusheva , E. M. (1). Distribution of prostanstanism on the territory of Russia and its variety (to the question of the question). NATIONS AND RELIGIONS OF EURASIA, 12(3-4), 91-98. Retrieved from http://journal.asu.ru/wv/article/view/3497
Author Biography

E. M. Gostyusheva , Altai State University, Barnaul (Russia)

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