Religious revival and formation of state-confessional relations in modern Kazakhstan

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Z. G. Jalilov Email:


The article examines the process of formation and development of state-confessional relations which took place from the end of the last century and at the beginning of the current. An attempt is made to rethink the phenomenon of religious revival and authority attitude towards this process. Political and legal factors of the development of state-confessional relations in the polyconfessional space of the Republic of Kazakhstan, ways and mechanisms of overcoming contradictions and methods to relieve tension between the state and religion are shown in this paper. Also presented the specifics of reflection of the state-confessional relations' legal component. The author submits the results of the interviews have taken in the framework of work on a scientific project.

The study of religion and society, specific forms of their interaction during the transition period must be conducted through its unity and interrelationship. Therefore, the article explores the influence of the social, political and legal mechanisms on the revival of religion, which significantly expanded under the conditions of the accelerated transformation of public life.

The aim of present article consist in that, to try to connect the concerned problem with more wide range of question by the socially political development, in modern conditions.


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How to Cite
Jalilov , Z. G. (1). Religious revival and formation of state-confessional relations in modern Kazakhstan. NATIONS AND RELIGIONS OF EURASIA, 12(3-4), 110-121. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Z. G. Jalilov , R. B. Suleimenov Institute of Oriental Studies, Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty (Republic of Kazakhstan)

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