Vaishnavism: strategies for construction and conceptualization

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A. S. Timoshchuk Email:


Background of the issue is heterogeneity of theoretical understanding and identity of Gaudiya Vaishnavism. Subject of study: dynamics of the modification of the conceptual categories of Vaishnavism. Methods: general logical, common and specific scientific. Results: phenomenological sociology of religion is confirmed where the sacred is represented as a special construction of reality.

Modern globalization and the fundamental role of science in the all-around development of society require from religious and spiritual traditions, that claim to be universal, certain mode of self-expression and self-identification at various levels: worldview, epistemological, ethical, practical, etc.

The interaction of the Vaishnava tradition with Western society influences not only it's self-knowledge, but also self-presentation, especially in the situation of coexistence with different cultures, since in a situation of globalization Vaishnavism exists and spreads beyond India.

The social image of ISKCON in the context of social construction is the dynamics of its intersubjective structures, that are formed in the processes of internalization, esternalization and objectification.


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How to Cite
Timoshchuk, A. S. (1). Vaishnavism: strategies for construction and conceptualization. NATIONS AND RELIGIONS OF EURASIA, 14(1), 72-80.
Author Biography

A. S. Timoshchuk, Vladimir Law Institute, Federal Penitentiary System of Russia

доктор философских наук, доцент, профессоркафедры гуманитарных и социально-экономических дисциплин Владимирского юридического института ФСИН России, Владимир


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