New aspects of the history of formation of the Kazakh khanate

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G.A. Bilyalova Email:


The article deals with issues related to the new aspects of the formation of the Kazakh Khanate, whose 550th anniversary was widely celebrated in the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2015. In the middle of the 15th century, in the southeastern Kazakhstan — Zhetysu, the most important ethnopolitical processes occurred, connected with the creation of a new political association that went down in history as the Kazakh Khanate. This event determined all the subsequent ethnopolitical history of Kazakhstan, the way to achieve the consolidation of the Kazakh people into the nation, the design of the ethnic territory, the development of the spiritual and material culture of the Kazakh people.

The aggravated inter-war struggle of the descendants of the eldest son of Shyngys Khan Zhoshi Khan, which developed between the heirs of his sons Orda-Yezhen and Shiban, led to the westward migration of Shibanids Kerey and Zhanibek with their subjects. For him, the ethnonym "Kazakhs' was entrenched; "Departed", "separated". The main written sources for this period of Kazakhstan's history are the manuscript of Mohammed Khaydar Dulati "Tarih-i Rashidi" written in the Central Asian dialect of Farsi.

The article discusses some issues of the history of the region in the Zhetysu region, where the Kazakh Khanate was proclaimed. It is about the scientific research of the famous Kazakhstani archaeologist Kemal Akishev, who determined the localization of the place of Kozibasy, located in the Zhambyl district of the Almaty region.

As a result of military clashes between the sultans of Kereya and Zhanibek with the khan of the Uzbek ulus, Abulkhair, the territory of the ulus became part of the Kazakh Khanate. Under Buryndyk Khan, the son of Kerey Khan, the Syr-Darya cities became part of the Khanate. Kasim Khan, son of Zhanibek, included in the subjects most of the nomadic tribes of the Deshtichypchak tribes of nomadic Uzbeks. Natural castes, the Kazakh Khanate undertakes military campaigns against Tashkent, the Nogai capital of Sarayshyk, pushing the Nogai Horde

to the Astrakhan khanate. It was during the rule of Kasim Khan that the Kazakh Khanate gained fame and political weight in the modern Eurasian arena. One of the first states to establish diplomatic relations with the Kazakh Khanate was the Russian state. The Kazakh Khanate became known in Western Europe as a new political entity.


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How to Cite
Bilyalova, G. (1). New aspects of the history of formation of the Kazakh khanate. NATIONS AND RELIGIONS OF EURASIA, 14(1), 9-15.
Author Biography

G.A. Bilyalova, Association of museums Almaty. Museum of Almaty

ведущий научный сотрудник Музея Алматы, Алматы


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