Pentecostalism the XXI century: modernization paradigms

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M. V. Kashchaeva Email:


The article analyzes the modernization processes, taking place in the charismatic communities of Christians of the evangelical Pentecostals. The author examines innovations, that appear in the field of dogmatic doctrine, and characterizes the modernization processes of the religious activities of charismatic communities, based on the experience of Russian researchers. Pentecostalism in Russia in the second half of the 20th century consists of dynamically developing associations, that differ in some specific features of church life. A common feature of the religious life of all Pentecostals is active social activity and missionary work. The present evolutionary processes taking place in Pentecostalism arise from the change in the form and justification of missionary work. The analysis of doctrinal situation is based on the studies of the works of contemporary leaders of the charismatic movement: S. Castelanos and D. Jongi Cho. The character of the cult practice is based on the newly emerging forms of service, as well as on the the interpretation of the already known practice of "live communication with God." The content of modern modernization processes, according to the author, allows us to talk about a new stage in the religious life of Russian Pentecostalism.


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How to Cite
Kashchaeva , M. V. (1). Pentecostalism the XXI century: modernization paradigms. NATIONS AND RELIGIONS OF EURASIA, 15(2), 73-78.
Author Biography

M. V. Kashchaeva , Altai State University

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