Pilgrimage for mongols: traditions and the present

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D. Munkhbat Email: d.monkhbat@mnu.edu.mn


The article is devoted to the consideration of some features of the pilgrimage development in Mongolia. The main part of the article describes the largest pilgrimage centers in Mongolia, the pilgrimage of Mongolian citizens within the country and to other foreign countries, its digital data and the future. As a result of the research it was shown that in the process of development of the tourism sector since the 1990s in Mongolia the number of pilgrims not only occupies a large percentage, but also constitutes a major direction in the Mongolian regional tourism. In addition, the Mongol pilgrimage has become one of the main types of modern religious tourism, the purpose of which is not religious propaganda, but tourism for prayer, based on superstition and belief of believers, which is known from our study. The annual increase in the number of pilgrims to the Holy places (monasteries, sacred mountains, etc.) shows that in the worldview of the Mongols the most important place is occupied by burkhanism and Buddhism. Further study of the phenomenon of pilgrimage in Mongolia seems promising from a scientific point of view, аnd for the development of religious tourism.


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How to Cite
Munkhbat , D. (1). Pilgrimage for mongols: traditions and the present. NATIONS AND RELIGIONS OF EURASIA, 15(2), 79-84. https://doi.org/10.14258/nreur(2018)2-07
Author Biography

D. Munkhbat , Altai state university of Humanities and education named after V. M. Shukshin

старший преподаватель Монгольского национального университета, директор Центра монголоведения при МНУ, аспирант АГАО имени В. Шукшина, Бийск


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