Old believer marriages in the context of the state and confessional policy of the Russian Empire in the territory of Tomsk province in the nineteenth century

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V. N. Ilyin Email: market@mc.asu.ru


The family-marital status of the Old Believers of Tomsk province is considered in the context of the state-confessional policy of the imperial authorities.

The conclusion of marriages between the Old Believers by law was not permissible. Such marriages were considered as "marriages". By official authorities, such a "public split" was subject to dissolution, which led to numerous tragedies with judicial proceedings. The marriage of the Old Believers with the Niconians was also illegal by law and was regarded as "seduction by the schismatics of the Orthodox in the schism." Only the marriage committed in the state church was considered lawful, in this case the legislative system did not leave the Old Believers with a choice in marital and family situations, except for resorting to a state church. Thus, legally Old Believers did not have the right to reproduce the confession, and, consequently, to their existence.

April 19, 1874 was issued a law under which the Old Believers were allowed to marry by civil procedure through registration in special metric books under police boards. However, this law could not solve the problems of Old Believers' marriages. The bulk of the Old Believers in the marriage issue still remained without rights.


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How to Cite
Ilyin , V. N. (1). Old believer marriages in the context of the state and confessional policy of the Russian Empire in the territory of Tomsk province in the nineteenth century. NATIONS AND RELIGIONS OF EURASIA, 15(2), 112-118. https://doi.org/10.14258/nreur(2018)2-10
Author Biography

V. N. Ilyin , The Russian Academy of National Economy and the State Service under the President of the Russian Federation (Altai branch); Altai state University

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