Islam of the Khakasia (in the context of the idea of “all turks are muslims”)

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А. Р. Yarkov Email:


The aim of this paper is to study the history of the spread of Islam in Khakassia. It has not been thoroughly researched. All this causes various pseudoscientific views sometimes politicized. There is a disregard for historical facts, or their interpretation, based on a narrow-minded conjectures. This region became the dominant religion, Islam has not in the past. Is not dominant, and in the 21st century.

Even during the early Middle Ages the Muslims of the Middle East on the basis of Quranic beliefs and disparate information perception about fearsome tribes jadzhudzhi and madzhudzhi living "on the edge of the world" in North Asia. Over time, the idea of Muslims living there reign expanded, but perceived them. The situation changed when the part of the Turkish elite appeared (and still exists) the idea of unification of Muslims into an independent political entity, where the idea of "great Turkistan (great Turan) is based on three "pillars": tjurkizacii, Islamization and modernization, implying that all Turks are Muslims.

The view is definitely wrong. In this regard, is the fate of the Islamic religion and its followers in one of the Eastern constituent entities of the Russian Federation-Republic of khakasia, where Khakas (tadarlar/minusinskie, abakanskie, achinskie Tatars/yenisei Kirghiz) were long tengrism, but in the 19th century forcibly converted to orthodoxy.

The authos use a variety of sources. They come to the conclusion that at the present stage formed local institutions of the Umma. At the same time transforming religious and ethno-cultural identity. Offers recommendations to prevent extremism.


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How to Cite
Yarkov А. Р. (1). Islam of the Khakasia (in the context of the idea of “all turks are muslims”). NATIONS AND RELIGIONS OF EURASIA, 16(3), 99-110.
Author Biography

А. Р. Yarkov , Tyumen State Universitet, Tyumen

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