Guigu rock art — new study source of inner Mongolia ancient population economic and spiritual life

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D. P. Shulga Email:


The study of ancient pre-writing peoples beliefs is a complex task which is primarily connected with the source base fragmentation. Fortunately, researchers often discover new archaeological sites that can shed light on ritual practices, spirits appearance vision and other worldview aspects. It is especially interesting when such objects are found in different cultures contact zone, for example, in the territory of the present Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (IMAR, People's Republic of China). In the beginning of 2004 border guards stationed in the Bayan-Nur urban district found a cluster of rock paintings in the north-western part of the Bayinhangai sumu (Urdyn-Dund banner, Inner Mongolia). Soldiers immediately reported this to the relevant departments. After receiving the report on 11 February, 2004 the Department of Culture of Inner Mongolia drawn up an outline of the study involving scientific institutions and administrative authorities. The result of all of the above is a Guigu petroglyphs field survey. In addition to issues of economy, we will consider images of "spirits" as a source for studying the spiritual life of the ancient population of the region.


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How to Cite
Shulga , D. P. (2018). Guigu rock art — new study source of inner Mongolia ancient population economic and spiritual life. NATIONS AND RELIGIONS OF EURASIA, 17(4), 07-15.
Author Biography

D. P. Shulga , Siberian Institute of Management — the branch of Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Novosibirsk (Russia)

cтарший преподаватель кафедры востоковедения Гуманитарного института Новосибирского государственного университета; старший преподаватель кафедры международных отношений и гуманитарного сотрудничества Сибирского института управления Российской академии народного хозяйства и госслужбы при Президенте РФ, Новосибирск (Россия)