A project of the Bei Liao (North Liao, 1122–1141)

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G. G. Pikov Email: gennadij-pikov@yandex.ru


This article deals with the fate of the Chitan elite in the post-state period. During the collapse of the Liao dynasty member Emperor kind Yelu Dashi has developed the plan of salvation of the Motherland consists in the use of aid from the subject to the Mongol tribes. It was implemented during 1122-1141, but was not implemented fully. Legally, the state of BEI LIAO (North Liao) was not really there, but it was what could be called a project, a program of gathering forces to fight the enemy. From the arrival of Yelu Dashi on the Western border of the Empire begins a new stage in the history of the Chitan society — the last attempt to break the onslaught of armed struggle conquerors, uniting all anti- Jurchens forces.

Variant of BEI LIAO was quite realistic as long as the Jurchen spread rapidly through the territory of Liao and there was a danger of their coming in the Northern lands. The capture of the vast territory by the Jurchens, which still had to be "pacified", and the resistance organized by Yelu Dashi became the factors that stopped the advance of the invaders to the North.

After the Western and Northern borders of the new Empire stabilized, the tribes abandoned their alliance with the Chitans. At the same time, the confrontation between the Mongol tribes and the Jurchen became one of the important pages in the history of the unity of the Mongolian tribes and stimulated their further consolidation.


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How to Cite
Pikov, G. G. (2018). A project of the Bei Liao (North Liao, 1122–1141). NATIONS AND RELIGIONS OF EURASIA, 17(4), 32-42. https://doi.org/10.14258/nreur(2018)4-03
Author Biography

G. G. Pikov, Novosibirsk state University, Novosibirsk

доктор исторических наук, доктор культурологии, профессор кафедры всеобщей истории Гуманитарного института Новосибирского государственного университета, Новосибирск