The role of the Chitan elite in the history of the state of the Hsi Liao (Western Liao)

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The state Western (Hsi), Liao (1125-1218) created by members of the Chitan elite after the death of the Liao dynasty, not inferior to that of major East Asian powers of the time, and was the result of a unique experiment of building a new state outside the native civilization of the zone. The undoubted merit of the Chitan elite was not only the reconquest of space for the foundation of the state, but also the formation of the foundations of the Imperial state. Chitan elite tried to shift to the West is Liao experience. In this area, there is more use of Chinese managerial and bureaucratic experience than in Liao. The organization of military affairs in many respects resembled the Chitan created with a certain orientation to the Chinese military experience. The religious policy of the Chitan elite was also quite successful. It applied the Liao principle of using different laws for different peoples. The economic policy of the Chitan elite in Western Liao can be called quite professional and successful. Western Chitans, having established general and maximum control, contributed to the economic self-determination of the region in terms of the shaken foreign trade. The new country has become a place where there was a complex synthesis of different cultural flows.


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How to Cite
Pikov, G. (2019). The role of the Chitan elite in the history of the state of the Hsi Liao (Western Liao) . NATIONS AND RELIGIONS OF EURASIA, 19(2), 36-45.
Author Biography

G.G. Pikov, Novosibirsk state University

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