Naiman phase of the history of the state Hsi Liao (Western Liao)

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G.G. Pikov Email:


One of the least studied in the actual respect and most tendentiously comprehended in the history of the Western Kidan state Hsi Liao (Western Liao, 1128–1218) is final period, when the Naiman Khan Kuchluk, who fled from Genghis Khan from Mongolia, came to power in it. Chitans and Naimans were the two main forces that played a strategic role in the history of the Western Empire. Finally we can distinguish two periods in the history of this state: 1) Chitan’s — by Yeh-lui Dashi to Yeh-lui Zhilugu, 2) Naiman — by Kuchluk. Medieval historians have shared a common history Hsi Liao on two diametrically opposed periods: legal — Dashi-Zhilugu, illegal — Kuchluk. Meanwhile, they are two regular stages in the history of the Hsi Liao. Kuchluk, undoubtedly, was a talented statesman, because under him the state “increased”, i. e. revived and became more consolidated, i. e. the leading role in it was played not by the Chitans, and to some extent by the Naymans, but only by the Naymans, who became the main and almost the only force. They also represented a serious military force. Kuchluk was dangerous for the Mongols and ideologically, for gathered around him all the “discontented”, united them politically, i. e. In the state, proved the possibility of the development of this state as an Empire.


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How to Cite
Pikov, G. (2019). Naiman phase of the history of the state Hsi Liao (Western Liao). NATIONS AND RELIGIONS OF EURASIA, 20(3), 07-18.
Author Biography

G.G. Pikov, Novosibirsk state University

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