Archeology as art: Viktor Fedorovich Zaybert (on the 50th anniversary of scientific and pedagogical activity)

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G.K. Mukanova Email:


The purpose of this publication is to reflect the original scientific and pedagogical style, a great scientist with a worldwide reputation, an archaeologist by vocation, a person with a plastic and solid philosophical thinking. The chronological framework of his amazingly beautiful, in dedication and structural content, many years of work covers the last fifty years: from the second half of the 20th century to the present. His choice of a difficult and, in general, poorly paid profession, as some journalist put it, was determined, above all, by his indefatigable nature, who always sought a way out in finding answers to questions. The methodological depth of the professor’s work attracts interest in them abroad. As a result, Victor Seibert “made himself ”, and his name is associated among his colleagues in the workshop with filigree identification, strict interpretation and validation of sources on the topic of research. The main sources of his generalizations, now taken as the basis for state programs of modernizing public consciousness in Kazakhstan, where he was born and raised, are artifacts, historical and ethnographic materials, against the backdrop of a world-wide historical evolution.


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How to Cite
Mukanova, G. (2019). Archeology as art: Viktor Fedorovich Zaybert (on the 50th anniversary of scientific and pedagogical activity). NATIONS AND RELIGIONS OF EURASIA, 20(3), 160-166.
Author Biography

G.K. Mukanova, al-Farabi Kazakh National University

кандидат исторических наук, доцент, и. о. профессора кафедры издательского дела и дизайна Казахского национального университета им. аль-Фараби


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