Dynastic marriages and basis of succession in Zhuzhan State

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A. R. Mukhamadeev Email: almazrm42@mail.ru


The purpose of the article is to study the principles and foundations of succession in the Juan Haganate, as well as the marriage unions of the Juan rulers with the reigning dynasties of neighboring states. The author of the article reveals the sequence of transition of the highest power in the Zhuzhany state from the initial period of its existence, whereas in historical literature it is customary to begin the history of inheritance with the reign of Shelun, who first adopted the title of “kagan”. There is no careful calculation of the transfer of the throne even in the final period of the kaganate, when internal strife and civil strife began, when the Zhuzhansk society was divided into two hordes, in fact there was a situation of dual power, the result of which was a frequent change of rulers.

In general, the inheritance of the supreme power in the Zhuzhany state occurred, both in a straight line and in a collateral line. In periods of dawn and relative prosperity, peaceful relations with neighbors, inheritance, as a rule, occurred in a straight line (from father to son).During the years of major military failures, political and economic crises, cases of changing rulers along the collateral line (from brother to brother, from uncle to nephew, etc.) became frequent, often accompanied by the usual usurpation of power. In any case, power in the state remained in the hands of one, ruling clan.

As in other early and medieval societies, the dynastic marriage agreements of the Juan ruling house were aimed at concluding and securing peace treaties, favorable trade conditions, and generally determined relations with other states. Juan rulers sought and entered into dynastic marriages with Chinese imperial houses. These usually happened during periods of military success, when the Juan Hagans began to take themselves as equal to the Chinese emperors. In addition to China, marriage unions with the government house of the Ephthalites are known. At the same time, the Jujans did not go to dynastic marriages with representatives of the ruling circles, ethnic groups dependent on them. So, the kagan refused the marriage of the Juan princess to the Turkic ruler, who is his vassal. This refusal subsequently had a fatal consequence for the Zhuzhany state and society.


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How to Cite
Mukhamadeev , A. R. (2020). Dynastic marriages and basis of succession in Zhuzhan State. NATIONS AND RELIGIONS OF EURASIA, 22(1), 29-41. https://doi.org/10.14258/nreur(2020)1-02
Author Biography

A. R. Mukhamadeev , Institute of History named after Sh.Mardzhani AN RT, Kazan (Russia)

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Senior Researcher at the Institute of History named after Sh.Mardzhani AN RT, Kazan (Russia)


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