Sources for the study of state-confessional relations in Western Siberia (based on the matherials of the historical archive of the Omsk region)

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T. G. Nedzelyuk Email:


The is the result of search work in the historical archive of the Omsk region in order to identify a set of archival documents that characterize state-confessional relations in Western Siberia in the historical dynamics. The chronological framework of the work covers the nineteenth and first half of the twentieth century. Research methodology includes historical and genetic approach in conjunction with the methods of content analysis, synthesis, generalization. Studied the materials of the Main Directorate of Western Siberia, the Regional surveyor of Zemleustroistvo and Agriculture, Inspection of the office of the commander of the Siberian corps in Western Siberia, in Omsk prison of the castle, Omsk provincial revolutionary Committee, the Executive Committee of Omsk uezd Soviet of workers, peasants and red army deputies of the Omsk regional Commissariat for military Affairs.

The conclusion is made that the vector of state -confessional policy in Siberia, including in its Western region, is sufficiently formed. The results of the study can be useful for researchers of state and confessional policy of Russia during the Imperial period, including religious scholars, lawyers, and historians.


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How to Cite
Nedzelyuk, T. G. (2020). Sources for the study of state-confessional relations in Western Siberia (based on the matherials of the historical archive of the Omsk region). NATIONS AND RELIGIONS OF EURASIA, 23(2), 78-85.
Author Biography

T. G. Nedzelyuk, Siberian Institute of Management — Branch of RANEPA, Novosibirsk (Russia)

Doctor of History, Professor, Department of Theory and History of State and Law, Siberian Institute of Management — Branch of RANEPA


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