The issue of translation and interpretation of fundamental theological terminology on the example of missionary activities of Matteo Ricci in China

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The article discusses the problems of translation and interpretation of fundamental theological terminology in the linguistic aspect of the Inculturation of Christianity. Catholic missionaries, guided by the strategy of Inculturation of Christianity, are trying to adapt the texts of the Holy Bible, translating them into various languages in order to spread Christian doctrine among non-Christian peoples. The author refers to the documented provisions established during the reforms of the Second Vatican Council and governing translations of the Holy Scriptures, liturgical and church texts into the languages of non-Christian peoples and cultures. Using the missionary work of Matteo Ricci in China as an example, the author examines the problems of translating and transmitting the meaning of theological concepts that have no analogies in the Chinese language. The main strategies of M. Ricci for the cultural accommodation of Christianity in China was the study of the Chinese language, understanding of semantic and cultural significance in order to translate fundamental theological concepts without losing or deforming the main meaning of Christian teaching.


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How to Cite
Chirkov, N. V. (2020). The issue of translation and interpretation of fundamental theological terminology on the example of missionary activities of Matteo Ricci in China. NATIONS AND RELIGIONS OF EURASIA, 23(2), 104-116.
Author Biography

N. V. Chirkov, Institute of St. Tomas Aquinas (ITA), Zilina (Slovakia)

PhD, religion scholar. Institute of St. Tomas Aquinas


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