Buddhist idol near s. Kiev (Primorsky krai)

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N. G. Artemieva Email: artemieva_tg@list.ru
C. V. Makievskij Email: makievskij@list.ru


The subject of the article is the idol near the village. Kievka in the Primorsky Territory in the context of the traditional religious culture of the population of the Far East at the end of the XIX beginning of XX centuries. Materials for the study were unpublished studies of the expedition of A. R. Artemyev in 2004, which can be considered as objects of ethno archeology. They contain material information for the study and reconstruction of the historical past. Religious buildings in the form of idols on the passes have always been given great attention by both topographers and the first explorers of the Far East, leaving a detailed description of them. Classifying these religious buildings by location, they were divided into rural, family, fishing, roadside (or public), built in the mountains and on passes. In the Primorsky Territory, the population was in the zone of active ethnocultural and religious contacts. As a result of this, a transformation of their religious customs took place, which largely determined their syncretic character. Supporting ethnic identity, cult buildings in the form of idols were used to conduct practices of different religious beliefs.


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How to Cite
Artemieva, N. G., & Makievskij, C. V. (2020). Buddhist idol near s. Kiev (Primorsky krai). NATIONS AND RELIGIONS OF EURASIA, 24(3), 108-126. https://doi.org/10.14258/nreur(2020)3-07
Author Biographies

N. G. Artemieva, Institute of History, Archaeology and Ethnography of the Peoples of the Far-East, FEB RAS

candidate of historical sciences, leading researcher, head of the sector of medieval archaeology of the Institute of history, archeology and ethnography of the peoples of the Far East, RAS, Vladivostok

C. V. Makievskij, Institute of History, Archaeology and Ethnography of the Peoples of the Far-East, FEB RAS

Junior researcher of the sector of medieval archaeology of the Institute of history, archeology and Ethnography of the peoples of the Far East, RAS, Vladivostok


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