Problems of ethnic and cultural interaction of the population steppe and forest-steppe Altai in the late bronze age

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The article deals with the interaction of the population of archaeological cultures of the final stage of the Bronze Age of Altai and their correlation with the chronological positions of the basic monuments. A separate issue in the work is occupied by the problem of radiocarbon dating and correlation with archaeological concepts. Both single and massive radiocarbon dates for archaeological sites of the Late Bronze Age are considered. It was found that for this period, the chronological framework obtained on the basis of radiocarbon dating does not correspond to the archaeological concepts formed in the 70-80s of the XX century in the scientific community. According to the dates obtained, the initial period of the Late Bronze Age dates back to no later than the XIV century. BC, and the end of the era by the X century BC. The article presents the rationale for the chronology for all archaeological cultures of the region. Examples of the correlation of various cultural components on archaeological sites are given. Correlation of the obtained data with the results of neighboring territories showed the coincidence of the main chronological lines.


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How to Cite
Papin , D. V. (2020). Problems of ethnic and cultural interaction of the population steppe and forest-steppe Altai in the late bronze age. NATIONS AND RELIGIONS OF EURASIA, 25(4), 80-86.
Author Biography

D. V. Papin , Institute of archeology and etnology SB RAS

сandidate of mstorical sciences, senior researcher, Head. Barnaul Laboratory of Archeology of Southern Siberia, IAE SB RAS


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