The process of returning refugees -participants of the Turkestan uprising of 1916 from China by the organs of Soviet power in the 1920s of the 20th century
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The aim of the article is to reconstruct the process of re-evacuation by the Soviet authorities in the 1920s of the 20th century indigenous peoples of Turkestan — the Kazakhs and the Kyrgyz from the Chinese province of Xinjiang, who fled there during the uprising of 1916 to fully recreate the total number of refugees, their economic situation, the mechanisms of their return to their homeland and the problems of adaptation to new living conditions. After the end of the civil war in 1921, the Soviet government turned to the question of the return to the USSR of refugees participating in the Turkestan uprising of 1916. The main organizational work is to identify refugees, conduct explanatory work among them, settle legal issues with representatives of the authorities of the Xinjiang province, as well as, in fact, the very resettlement of refugees within the Kazakh and Turkestan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republics had to be carried out by the Commissioner of the People's Commissariat for Foreign Affairs in Gulja and Chuguchak.
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