The exiled polish catholik spiritual persons in Western Siberia (60 — the end of the 70s. XIX century): some aspects of study

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I. N. Nikulina Email:


The purpose of the article is the consideration of constantly changing facts on the total number and number of polish catholic spiritual persons in Western Siberia in each place of serving their sentences, and coverage of their activities and living conditions in a more complete source and cognitive scope. The chronological framework of work covers the 60-late 70s. XIX century. This is explained by the beginning of the mass expulsion of participants in the 1863 uprising in the Kingdom of Poland and the real appearance of opportunities for their release from police supervision and departure from Western Siberia. The main sources are the official documentary materials, memoirs, periodicals.

Among the participants in the polish January uprising of 1863-1864 who were in the exile in Western Siberia, various classes of society were represented. The exiled Catholic priests in Western Siberia were located mainly in the cities of Tomsk and Tobolsk provinces. The study and systematization of the surviving archival documents made it possible to determine the total number of the exiled polish Catholic priests to Western Siberia in the case of the uprising. In total, there were 104 Catholic priests sent for residence under the police supervision to Western Siberia. A significant part of the spiritual, being in exile, lost the previously available spiritual dignity and rights of fortune. Once in the new life conditions of serving his sentence, most of the exiles faced the material difficulties. Some of them were forced to settle for small state benefits or the help of relatives. In an effort to improve financial situation, the exiled Catholic priests engaged in various activities, including teaching contrary to government bans.

In the conditions of expulsion, the polish Catholic priests ensured the consolidation of polish exiles and contributed to the successful preservation of ethnic identity among them. The loyalty, benevolence of the authorities towards them was most likely caused by the desire to ensure a stable conflict-free situation in the region, to maintain calm and order in Western Siberia. The exiled polish Catholic priests had the possibility of contact and rapprochement with the local population in various areas of everyday life. As a result of the activities of prominent Catholic priests, the foundations were laid for the integration of the European religious tradition into the space of the Orthodoxal culture.


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How to Cite
Nikulina, I. N. (2021). The exiled polish catholik spiritual persons in Western Siberia (60 — the end of the 70s. XIX century): some aspects of study. NATIONS AND RELIGIONS OF EURASIA, 26(1), 173-181.
Author Biography

I. N. Nikulina, Altai State University, Barnaul

doctor of historical sciences, leading scientific researcher of laboratory for Interdisciplinary Archaeology of Western Siberia and the Altai of Altai State University, Barnaul


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