Revival or crisis? Challenges of "Perestroika" for the confessions of russian Protestantism

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T. K. Nikolskaya Email:


For the confessions of Russian Protestantism, the "Perestroika" became the time of both upsurge and crisis. The Union of ECB collapsed as Pentecostals and part of the Evangelical Christians left it. The movement for the creation of national ECB associations started in the National Republics. The possibility to get buildings from the state government and the free missionary preaching became the cause of rivalry and conflicts for the redistribution of the property among the denominations. As the number of Protestant organizations increased, rivalry arose between them as well. At the same time, their missionary tactics were aimed at the rapid numerical growth of churches, and not at the strategic projects. The huge wave of emigration of believers also influenced the internal dynamics of Protestant churches: among those who emigrated, there were mostly the families of those who were Protestants in several generations, and hence, they were the carriers of Russian Protestant culture. And because of that, in relatively short historical period (10-15 years), there was a sharp departure from the previous traditions, church rules, and lifestyle. The challenges of the "Perestroika" significantly influenced the further history and modern position of the confessions of Russian Protestantism.


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How to Cite
Nikolskaya, T. K. (2021). Revival or crisis? Challenges of "Perestroika" for the confessions of russian Protestantism. NATIONS AND RELIGIONS OF EURASIA, 26(2), 121-131.
Author Biography

T. K. Nikolskaya, Religious organization — spiritual educational organization of higher education of ECB St. Petersburg Christian University St.-Petersburg

Candidate of historical sciences, docent in the Religious organization — spiritual educational organization of higher education of Evangelical Christians-Baptists "St. Petersburg Christian University"


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