Dashkovskiy P. K.


Membership in state academies of sciences, academic degree, academic title:

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor


Place of work, position:

Altai State University, Head of the Department of Regional Studies of Russia, National and State-Confessional Relations, Head of the Laboratory for Ethnocultural and Religious Studies


Professional area:

Author of over 450 scientific and educational works, incl. 13 monographs, more than 30 educational and methodical publications on the ethnocultural and ethno-confessional history of Siberia and Asia. Articles have been published in Russian, English, Turkmen, Mongolian in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, China, USA, Turkey, Great Britain and Mongolia. Hirsch index according to RSCI - 25, Hirsch index - Scopus - 3, Web of Science Hirsch index - 3. Member of the dissertation council D 212.005.08 on historical sciences. Scientific expert of the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation; RFBR, RSF, RAS. He was the head and the main executor of more than 60 grants and economic contracts received from the CASE, the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation, the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the President's Fund of the Russian Federation, etc. Member of various expert councils: National Center for State Scientific and Technical Expertise of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Republican Research Scientific and Consulting Center for Expertise ", Expert Council of the Federal Agency for Ethnic Affairs, etc. Chairman of the Expert Council for State Religious Expertise in Altai Territory. Laureate of the Prize of the Government of the Altai Territory in the field of science and technology (2006, 2015, 2019). Winner of the Altai intellectual capital competition held by the Altai krai government in the scientist of the year nomination. He is one of the developers of the concept of the development of the religious landscape of Western Siberia and adjacent regions of Central Asia from the era of late antiquity to the present. Research interests are related to the study of the religious landscape of Western siberia and the border regions of Mongolia and Kazakhstan, as well as the history of state-confessional relations in Russia. He substantiated the concept that a religious landscape is a historically changing system of relationships between society and religious communities in a certain geographic space in the context of ethnic, socio-economic, cultural and political processes. A separate area of ​​scientific work is devoted to the study of the ethnocultural and ethnopolitical history of Siberia and Central Asia from the era of late antiquity to ethnographic modernity. Much attention is paid to the study of socio-political organization, institutionalization of power, the functioning of the elite and the development of religious systems of various peoples of the Central Asian region. For many years he has been conducting ethno-archeological and ethno-confessional research in Altai, Kazakhstan and Mongolia. The results obtained made it possible to develop a concept of ethnocultural and ethnosocial development of the peoples of Western Altai from the 3rd millennium BC. before the beginning of the 2nd millennium AD.