Kolobova Ksenia Anatolyevna


Membership in state academies of sciences, academic degree, academic title:

Doctor of historical sciences, professor of the Russian academy of sciences


Place of work, position:

Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS, Head of the Digital Research Laboratory in Archaeology, Anthropology and Ethnography " Digital» (Russia, Novosibirsk)


Field of professional activity:

Author of more than 150 scientific works, including 3 monographs on the Paleolithic problems of North and Central Asia. The RSCI Hirsch Index is 14, the Scopus Hirsch Index is 9, and the Web of Science Hirsch Index is 8. Member of the Dissertation council D 003.006.01 on historical sciences. Scientific expert of RGNF; RFBR, Foundation of the President of the Russian Federation, RPF, RAS. She was the head and main executor of various grants received