Lusenko U. A.


Membership in state academies of sciences, academic degree, academic title:

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor


Place of work, position:

Altai State University, Professor of the Department of Oriental Studies


Professional area:

Author of over 100 scientific and educational works, incl. 11 monographs (including 2 author's and 9 collective), more than 10 educational and methodological publications on the ethno-confessional policy of the Russian Empire. Articles were published in Russian and English in Russia and Kazakhstan. The RSCI Hirsch Index is 8, the Scopus Hirsch Index is 1, the WebofScience Hirsch Index is 0.

Member of the dissertation council D 212.005.08 on historical sciences.

He was the head and main executor of more than 20 grants and economic contracts received from the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation, the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Russian Science Foundation, the President's Fund, etc.