Mustafaev Sh.


Membership in state academies of sciences, academic degree, academic title:

Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Doctor of Historical Sciences


Professor Place of work, position:

Deputy Director of the Institute of Oriental studies of the National academy of sciences of Azerbaijan, Baku (Azerbaijan)


Professional area:

- Research in the field of political and socio-economic history of the eastern regions of Asia Minor during the period of the Ak-Koyunlu states, the Safavids and the Ottoman Empire, as well as the legislative activity of Uzun Hasan Ak-Koyunlu in connection with this region;

- Studies of socio-political and ethnocultural processes in Asia Minor and Azerbaijan in the XI-XV centuries;

- Study, translation and publication of Ottoman sources (tax registers) on the history of Azerbaijan; - Work in the field of history and culture of the peoples of Central Asia.

The total number of published scientific works -92 The number of scientific papers published abroad - 38

Corresponding Member of the International Institute for Central Asian Studies under the auspices of UNESCO