Pikov G. G.


Membership in state academies of sciences, academic degree, academic title:

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Doctor of Culturology, Associate Professor


Place of work, position:

Novosibirsk State University, Head of the Department of General History of the Humanitarian Institute of Novosibirsk State University


Professional area:

Author of over 200 scientific and educational works, incl. 16 monographs on the ethnocultural history of nomadic peoples and the history of medieval Europe. Articles have been published in Russian, English, Chinese in Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan.

Specialist in the history of medieval European culture and history nomadic civilization. The center of scientific interests is the issues of the relationship of the Christian religion with other spheres of medieval European culture, as well as some problems of the history of the Mongol-speaking peoples in the Middle Ages, primarily the Khitan and their state formations Liao (907-1125) and Western Liao (1125-1218), as well as the relationship between religion and culture, religion and society (based on medieval European material), the specifics of the development of nomadic state formations in East Asia, the history of oriental studies and Christian philosophy of history.