The journal’s mission is to publish original articles on ethnocultural and religious history of the nations of Eurasia, from antiquity to ethnographic modernity, taking into account the latest research results in the field of archaeology, ethnology, and religious studies, as well as increasing the level of scientific research and the development of international scientific cooperation in this field .

The aim of the journal is to present to the scientific community the results of the latest research on the historical dynamics of ethnic and religious processes in Eurasia, taking into account modern methodological and methodological approaches, attracting an extensive source base, including to bring new sources to the scientific circulation and promote constructive discussion of debatable scientific problems.
The journal publishes articles on ethnocultural history from archaeological sources, ethnic processes and traditional culture of the nations of Eurasia, the history of proselytic and traditional religions in the Eurasian space, the results of monitoring of inter-ethnic and inter-religions relationships in the regions of Russia and abroad. Special attention is paid to the coverage of historical experience and modern aspects of the implementation of governmental/religions and national policies. The journal issues also reflect the chronicle of scientific life, information about various scientific conferences, symposia and seminars.
The editorial board of the journal speciall encourage interdisciplinary research at the junction of archeology, ethnography, religious studies and other sciences, as well as constructive academic discussions that contribute to a deeper and more objective study of the history and modern position of ethnic groups and religions in the Eurasian space.

Editorial Board particularly welcomes articles based on the results of the latest archaeological and ethnographic research and introduction to the scientific circulation of new archival materials.