Shakhnovich M. M.


Membership in state academies of sciences, academic degree, academic title:

Doctor of Philosophy, Professor


Place of work, position:

St. Petersburg State University, Institute of Philosophy, Head. Department of Philosophy of Religion and Religious Studies


Professional area:

Author of over 300 scientific and educational works on the philosophy of religion, religious studies and the history of philosophy

Hirsch index according to RSCI - 10, Hirsch index in Scopus - 3, Hirsch index in WebofScience - 2.

Currently: expert of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Russian Science Foundation.

Chairman and member of the Dissertation Councils of St. Petersburg State University in the scientific specialty: 09.06.14; 06/09/13

Specialist in the field of philosophy of religion and religious studies, history of state-confessional relations in the USSR.