Glazed ceramics of Ostolopovo settlement (Tatarstan, XI-XII centuries)

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The article delves into an assortment of intact ceramic vessels and fragments adorned with glass glaze from the Ostolopovo settlement, which thrived from the late 10th century until the latter half of the 12th century in the central region of Volga Bulgaria. This village served as a bustling trade and craft hub linked with the Bulgarian state's capital, Bilyar, situated atop Bilyar hillfort. Unfortunately, since the 1950s, the village has succumbed to destruction due to the Kuibyshev Reservoir, leaving less than half of its original territory intact.

Since 1997, the Ostolopovo settlement has been under the scholarly lens of K. A. Rudenko, leading to the unearthing of 32 glazed pottery fragments and complete forms over two decades of excavations. These discoveries were unearthed both during excavations and from the deteriorated cultural stratum of the Ostolopovo settlement. The fragments have been categorized into polychrome and monochrome types (dark green or brown) based on the glaze color, with the vessels crafted from either red clay or white (kashin). Through meticulous reconstruction of the vessel shapes from these fragments, a diverse array of items such as cups, bowls, dishes, lamps, inkwells, and ornate large pots with engraved motifs have been identified. Primarily dated to the 11th century through stratigraphic analysis and comparative studies, these vessels bear striking resemblances to counterparts discovered in the Bilyarsk II settlement within the Bulgarian territories, suggesting their origins from Central Asia and Iran.

The discoveries at the Ostolopovo settlement lend credence to the notion of its esteemed trading status, setting it apart from neighboring settlements in the vicinity. Furthermore, these findings underscore the settlement's ties to the heart of the Volga Bulgaria state — Bilyar city and its environs. Significantly, these artifacts shed light on one of the internal trade routes within Volga Bulgaria, illustrating the movement of goods from the urban centers to rural areas through large Bulgarian cities. The well-defined stratigraphy at the Ostolopovo settlement has enabled the establishment of a chronological framework for this intricate process.


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How to Cite
Rudenko, K. (2024). Glazed ceramics of Ostolopovo settlement (Tatarstan, XI-XII centuries). NATIONS AND RELIGIONS OF EURASIA, 29(2), 7-30.
Author Biography

K.I. Rudenko, Kazan State Institute of Culture

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Kazan State Institute of Culture, Kazan (Russia)


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