• Станислав (Stanislav) Геннадьевич (Gennal'evich) Ржевский (Rzhevsky) All-Russian Research Institute of Forest Genetics, Breeding and Biotechnology Email:
  • Михаил (Mikhail) Андреевич (Andreevich) Потапов (Potapov) Voronezh State University Email:
  • Хидмет (Hidmet) Сафарович (Safarovich) Шихалиев (Shikhaliyev) Voronezh State University Email:
Keywords: wormwood, alcohol extract, Artemisia absinthium, Artemisia armeniaca, Artemisia latifolia


This paper presents the results of a comparative analysis of the component composition of alcohol extracts Artemisia absinthium, Artemisia armeniaca, and Artemisia latifolia, performed by chromatographic mass spectrometry. The components relating to different classes of compounds (including alcohols, esters, phenolic derivatives) have been identified, their relative quantitative content has been established. In the extract of A. absinthium, 14 compounds were identified, in the extract of A. armeniaca – 16 components, in A. latifolia – 11 different compounds The data obtained for the first time on the analysis of the extract of systematically related species of wormwood, Artemisia armeniaca and Artemisia latifolia, indicate that their composition differs significantly, with coincidences only for some components: phytol and hydroquinone are present in all three species studied, while the 3-O-methyl-D-glucose, ortho-dihydroxybenzene and linoleic acid ethyl ester are characteristic only of Artemisia armeniaca and Artemisia latifolia. Among the present compounds identified components having biological activity, including α-d-metilmannofuranozid, exerting an antibacterial effect and biphenyl, thujone, phytol, hydroquinone and some other substances, which is of interest for further pharmacological studies of these species.


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Author Biographies

Станислав (Stanislav) Геннадьевич (Gennal'evich) Ржевский (Rzhevsky), All-Russian Research Institute of Forest Genetics, Breeding and Biotechnology

младший научный сотрудник лаборатории биохимии, молекулярной генетики и физиологии растений

Михаил (Mikhail) Андреевич (Andreevich) Потапов (Potapov), Voronezh State University

ведущий инженер кафедры органической химии

Хидмет (Hidmet) Сафарович (Safarovich) Шихалиев (Shikhaliyev), Voronezh State University

доктор химических наук, профессор, заведующий кафедрой органической химии


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How to Cite
1. Ржевский (Rzhevsky)С. (Stanislav) Г. (Gennal’evich), Потапов (Potapov)М. (Mikhail) А. (Andreevich), Шихалиев (Shikhaliyev)Х. (Hidmet) С. (Safarovich) COMPARATIVE STUDY OF THE COMPOSITION OF ALCOHOL EXTRACTS ARTEMISIA ABSINTHIUM L., ARTEMI-SIA ARMENIACA LAM. AND ARTEMISIA LATIFOLIA LEDEB. // chemistry of plant raw material, 2019. № 1. P. 165-171. URL:
Low-molecular weight compounds