UDC 621.3.07

  • Arifjon Zhakhongirovich Khamidov Tashkent pharmaceutical Institute Email:
  • Hakim Rakhmanovich Tukhtaev Tashkent pharmaceutical Institute Email:
  • Sabirjan Nigmatovich Aminov Tashkent pharmaceutical Institute Email:
  • Bakhtigul Zhavli Kizi Azimova Tashkent pharmaceutical Institute Email:
Keywords: bitter almond powder, water and ethanol extraction, amygdalin, protein, protein hydrolysis, mino acid composition, chromatography


Mountain almond kernels (seed) processing products are of practical interest as fungicidal, antimicrobial and antiviral substances, and also find application in medicine and cosmetics for various purposes. The composition and some technological properties of seeds of mountain almond seed (Amygdalus communis L. varietas amara DC.). Cultivated in the mountain zones (Bostanlyq) of Uzbekistan were studied. To obtain seeds from cold pressing, fatty oil was separated. The cake was degreased with organic solvents, the residues were dried and ground. Using gas-liquid chromatography, the presence of 3.24% amygdalin in the composition of crushed powder of bitter almonds was established. Spectral analysis of bitter almond powder showed the presence of Mg, P, Ca, K, Si, Sr, Fe, Mn, B, Cu and other elements. The nitrogen content of the powder determined by the Dume method was 5.72 (±0.2)%. Aqueous and ethanol extracts were obtained from bitter almond powder with a yield of 10.5 and 13.2%. Chromatographic analysis of the composition of the extracts showed the presence of 0.0029% amygdalin in aqueous and 27.2% in ethanol extracts. Protein with a yield of 35.25±0.2% was isolated from the studied powder of bitter almonds. The protein is purified by dialysis, centrifugation and identified by IR spectroscopy. The amino acid analysis of the composition of the hydrolyzate protein of bitter almonds showed the presence of glycine, aspartic acid, arginine, glutamine, alanine and other amino acids. Bitter almond seed powder, extracts and protein isolated from it are of practical interest for cosmetology practice.


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Author Biographies

Arifjon Zhakhongirovich Khamidov, Tashkent pharmaceutical Institute

ассистент кафедры неорганической, физической и коллоидной химии

Hakim Rakhmanovich Tukhtaev, Tashkent pharmaceutical Institute

доктор фармацевтических наук, профессор кафедры неорганической, физической и коллоидной химии

Sabirjan Nigmatovich Aminov, Tashkent pharmaceutical Institute

доктор химических наук, профессор кафедры неорганической, физической и коллоидной химии

Bakhtigul Zhavli Kizi Azimova, Tashkent pharmaceutical Institute

кандидат биологических наук, старший препадователь кафедры неорганической, физической и коллоидной химии


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How to Cite
1. Khamidov A. Z., Tukhtaev H. R., Aminov S. N., Azimova B. Z. K. PROCESSING OF BITTER ALMOND KERNELS AND OBTAINING EXTRACTS BASED ON THEM // chemistry of plant raw material, 2021. № 2. P. 301-307. URL:
Low-molecular weight compounds