UDC 547.19

  • Aleksandr Alekseyevich Efremov Siberian Federal University; Special design and technology Bureau “Nauka " of the Federal research center of KNC SB RAS Email:
  • Irina Dement'yevna Zykova Siberian Federal University; Special design and technology Bureau “Nauka " of the Federal research center of KNC SB RAS Email:
Keywords: Common yarrow (Achillea millefolium L.), aqueous, alcoholic and aqueous-alcoholic extracts, antiradical activity, 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH)


In model reactions with a free stable 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical, the antiradical properties of extractives of common yarrow (Achillea millefolium L.) growing in the Krasnoyarsk Territory were studied: water-alcohol extracts with an alcohol content of 20, 40 and 70% and essential oil. Whole essential oil is obtained by exhaustive hydro-steam distillation for 11 hours. In addition, separate oil fractions were obtained: the first after 20 minutes from the start of distillation, the second after the next 50 minutes, the third after the next 180 minutes, and the fourth after the next 360 minutes.

The results of the DPPH test showed that ARA is minimal for alcohol-soluble substances and increases for aqueous-alcoholic extracts from 20.3% in the case of a 20% extract to 21.8% for a 70% aqueous-alcoholic extract. ARA of the obtained samples of essential oil surpasses the ARA values of aqueous, alcoholic and aqueous-alcoholic extracts. It was found that the APA value for 1 fraction of oil is 29.7% and increases with the transition to subsequent fractions to 54.3%. Whole Yarrow essential oil has an ARA value of 52.8%.

According to the ARA value, the extractives of yarrow can be arranged in the following row: whole essential oils> 70% aqueous-alcoholic extract> 40% extract> 20% extract> aqueous extract> 96% alcoholic extract.


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Author Biographies

Aleksandr Alekseyevich Efremov, Siberian Federal University; Special design and technology Bureau “Nauka " of the Federal research center of KNC SB RAS

доктор химических наук, профессор, заведующий отделом комплексной переработки растительного сырья

Irina Dement'yevna Zykova, Siberian Federal University; Special design and technology Bureau “Nauka " of the Federal research center of KNC SB RAS

кандидат технических наук, доцент, научный сотрудник


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How to Cite
1. Efremov A. A., Zykova I. D. ANTIRADICAL ACTIVITY OF EXTRACTIVES FROM THE ACHILLEA MILLEFOLIUM L. OF THE SIBERIAN REGION // chemistry of plant raw material, 2021. № 2. P. 129-135. URL:
Low-molecular weight compounds