УДК 333.138

  • V. I. Belyaev Altai State University (Barnaul, Russia) Email:
Keywords: marketing, management function, business philosophy, philosophical categories, essence, phenomenon, contradictions, dialectics


The article considers issues related to both definitions of marketing (marketing as a management function and / or a business philosophy, or both) and the content of marketing tasks in the context of philosophical categories if we consider marketing as business philosophy. The article presents the results of analysis of marketing definitions, describing it as a philosophy of business and/or as a management function. From the analysis of definitions and explanations of the content of marketing, it has been established that marketing is mainly presented as a function of management; in the context of philosophical categories, when it is declared as a philosophy, it is, nevertheless, practically not considered. At the same time, the philosophical aspect of marketing, if properly worked out, can significantly enrich the theory, methodology and practice of marketing. The conclusions allowed the author to formulate directions for further research, focused on the use of philosophical concepts and categories in explaining the essence of marketing, the content of its functional tasks, which allows enterprises not only to receive commercial and financial benefits by meeting the needs and requirements of people, but also to solve social needs in the form of ensuring proportionality between production and consumption in the development of society. It is proposed to define marketing both as a function of enterprise management, which provides the latter with a profit, and as a business philosophy, which allows solving social and economic problems of society.



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Author Biography

V. I. Belyaev, Altai State University (Barnaul, Russia)

доктор экономических наук, профессор кафедры менеджмента, организации бизнеса и инноваций


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How to Cite
1. Belyaev V. I. MARKETING: A MANAGEMENT FUNCTION OR A BUSINESS PHILOSOPHY? // Economics Profession Business, 2022. № 1. P. 21-28. URL:

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