Literary Traditions of Italy (Tasso, Casanova) in the Poetic Self-identification of Goethe and Tsvetaeva. (To the 130th anniversary of M.I. Tsvetaeva)

(To the 130th anniversary of M. I. Tsvetaeva).

  • Margarita Cherepennikova Literary Institute. A.M. Gorky Email:
Keywords: Italian literary traditions, poetic self-identification, Goethe, Tsvetaeva, Tasso, Casanova


The article discusses the role of Italian literary traditions in the works of J.-W. Goethe and M. I. Tsvetaeva, examines their influence on the process of poetic self-identification of these authors. It has been revealed that the culture, literature, art of Italy and the idealized image of this country worked as the aesthetic dominant in the evolvement of the poetic taste of Goethe and Tsvetaeva. Based on the comparative method of research, it has been established that the employment of Italian literary traditions, motifs, protagonists and conflicts that took place in Italian history in poetic and dramatic works was an important part of the phenomenon of poetic self-identification for Goethe and Tsvetaeva. These parallels, connected with common literary priorities, with increased attention to the heritage of antiquity, with an active search for an individual poetic language and new forms of theatrical art, speak of the special involvement of Goethe and Tsvetaeva in the all-European literary paradigm, largely based on classical traditions conceived and developed in Italy.


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How to Cite
Cherepennikova M. Literary Traditions of Italy (Tasso, Casanova) in the Poetic Self-identification of Goethe and Tsvetaeva. (To the 130th anniversary of M.I. Tsvetaeva) // Philology & Human, 2022, № 4. P. 111-126 DOI: 10.14258/filichel(2022)4-07. URL:
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