London's Godonymic System as a Reflection of the Cultural and Linguistic Landscape

  • Diana Ruslanovna Miniyarova Ufa University of Science and Technology Email:
  • Alexandra Vladimirovna Urazmetova Ufa University of Science and Technology Email:
Keywords: urbanonyms, oikonyms, oikodomonyms, ecclesionyms, anthropourbanonyms, toponym


The article examines the cultural and linguistic landscape of London through the prism of its godonymic system. The research materials are the names of London streets obtained by a continuous sampling method from toponymic dictionaries, topographic maps and Internet resources. As a result of the analysis of the motivational basis of the godonymic vocabulary, the studied units are divided into the following types: anthropogodonyms, topogodonyms, zoogodonyms, phytogodonyms, landscape godonyms, characterizing godonyms and godonyms related to human practical activity. The conducted quantitative analysis of the studied material makes it possible to identify the features of the godonymic system of London and its cultural and linguistic landscape. Godonyms are an integral part of the image of any city, they form a system that generates a vivid picture of the cultural and linguistic space of the city. The study of this system makes it possible to identify cultural value priorities of the nation, as well as to trace the dynamics of their development.


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How to Cite
Miniyarova D. R., Urazmetova A. V. London’s Godonymic System as a Reflection of the Cultural and Linguistic Landscape // Philology & Human, 2023, № 2. P. 136-144 DOI: 10.14258/filichel(2023)2-10. URL:
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