“The Translator’s False Friends” in the Financial and Economic Lexicon (Based on the Material of English and Russian Languages).

  • Marina Vadimovna Krat Pyatigorsk State University Email: maureen_k@mail.ru
Keywords: nterlanguage homonyms, translator’s false friends, financial and economic lexicon, the specifics of translation


This article discusses the category of words that have received the definition of “the translator’s false friends” and can cause deceptive associations with the units of the native language and, accordingly, lead to numerous errors in the translation process. Along with the term “the translator’s false friends”, the widely used term “interlanguage homonyms” is also applied to denote words that coincide or are similar in sounding and the way they look, but differ partially or completely in their meaning. The aim of the research is to identify the translation specifics of interlanguage homonyms from the financial and economic sphere on the material of English and Russian languages. The structural-semantic and comparative analysis of “the translator’s false friends” in modern business terminology is carried out. The topicality of the chosen subject is explained by the fact that interlanguage homonyms, resulting from the mutual influence of languages and historical links or pure coincidences, often lead to serious errors in translation and disrupt the process of communication.


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How to Cite
Krat M. V. “The Translator’s False Friends” in the Financial and Economic Lexicon (Based on the Material of English and Russian Languages). // Philology & Human, 2023, № 4. P. 169-180 DOI: 10.14258/filichel(2023)4-10. URL: http://journal.asu.ru/pm/article/view/13376.
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