Standards of Fiction Writing: Norms, Principles, Rules. Review of the Book by E. Zvontsova «Comb Me. Your Text. Editing Fiction: from Style to Plot». M.: Myth Publishing House, 2022. 352 р

  • Tamara Alekseevna Semelet АлтГУ Email:
Keywords: text, editing, style, book review


The article is the review of the book «Comb me. Your text. Editing fiction: from style to plot» written by the writer and editor Ekaterina Zvontsova. The reviewer notes plausibility along with brightness and vivacity of the text which appear due to personification and zoomorphization of the elements and organizing the text around the core metaphor of a shaggy dog that needs combing. Mastery of language and definitions is mentioned as the advantage of the book along with the usefulness of chapter appendices in which the author guides fiction writers from philosophy of language to text formatting, formulates five general laws of language, speech and text and teaches how to plot imaginary lands on a map.


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How to Cite
Semelet T. A. Standards of Fiction Writing: Norms, Principles, Rules. Review of the Book by E. Zvontsova «Comb Me. Your Text. Editing Fiction: from Style to Plot». M.: Myth Publishing House, 2022. 352 р // Philology & Human, 2023, № 4. P. 226-229 DOI: 10.14258/filichel(2023)4-15. URL:
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